//! # Accessibility
//! Freya accessibility support works around the [`use_focus`](freya_hooks::use_focus) and the `a11y` attributes.
//! ### `use_focus` hook
//! ```rust
//! # use freya::prelude::*;
//! fn app() -> Element {
//! // Create a focus instance
//! let mut my_focus = use_focus();
//! rsx!(
//! rect {
//! // Bind the focus to this `rect`
//! a11y_id: my_focus.attribute(),
//! // This will focus this element and effectively cause a rerender updating the returned value of `is_focused()`
//! onclick: move |_| my_focus.focus(),
//! label {
//! "Am I focused? {my_focus.is_focused()}"
//! }
//! }
//! )
//! }
//! ```